Max Power Magazine R.I.P.

UK's Max Power Magazine Breaking news: The February issue of Max Power, on sale 12th January 2011, will be the last issue in its current guise. It will be a collectable super-sized issue celebrating modifying. As a big finale for the monthly mag it will embrace all that is great within our scene. This will be an event thatā€™s not to be missed...

A bit of an update on this story from the Editor of Max Power (source unknown, believed to be from an email) :

Bauer Media has reluctantly taken the decision today to suspend the monthly publication of Max Power magazine and its accompanying website.

We anticipate that the February issue of Max Power, on sale 12th January 2011, will be the last issue in its current guise and will be a collectable super-sized issue celebrating modifying past and present. It will embrace all that is great within our scene and boast more feature cars than ever before. This really will be an event thatā€™s not to be missed and a fitting celebration to the incredibly colourful, loud and irreverent history of Max Power.

It is our intention to keep the Max Power brand alive in the future with a series of ā€œone shotsā€ and special issues and some possible exciting new 
adventures. Keep your eyes peeled for future new projects and we will endeavour to keep you updated with all the latest news from the Max Power brand.

Iā€™d like to personally thank you for your support of Max Power.

Mark Guest
Max Power